Drupal User Agreement Module

In addition, design developers can also replace theme_agreement_page (), which is the design function responsible for presenting the contract page. Visibility: private field, content available only to privileged users. The contract module allows the administrator to submit a textual agreement (think “Terms of Use”) that users in a particular role must accept before accessing the site. The agreement is presented to users immediately after the connection and must be accepted before the user can navigate to another page. Users can continue to access the home page () and/or logout without accepting consent; all other pages redirect the user to the consent form. The user can also revoke the acceptance of the agreement by visiting the contract page. The following options can be configured on the module configuration page: This module identifies features (usually nodes) as agreements that website users must accept. NOTE: See this node: drupal.org/node/179932 and check #92 comment with a fix that corrects the box check. Without this fix, this trick doesn`t work. This error is present in versions with at least 6.14. If you`re not comfortable displaying a core fix, use a tracking module as shown above, or use the following module to fix the kernel: drupal.org/project/checkbox_validate I actually helped make a fix to Trade Extra Panes, so it now has that ability in its submodal (commerce_extra_panes_termsofservice) – 7.x-1.x-dev. Although this module is even simpler.

This is a quick and easy way to accept users when registering with profile.module terms of use. Make sure the profile.module (part of the kernel) is activated before you start this recipe. If you are looking for a module that does something similar, you should look at the legal.module. The “Terms of Use” module is another option. There are modules (conditions of use and legal conditions) that offer similar functions during registration. The Convention module offers the functionality to display an agreement with an existing user base without users needing to re-register. This module is useful for publishing nodes for which an agreement must be signed by each user before they can access the content. For example, confidentiality agreements, end-user licensing agreements, etc.

Nodes of all kinds can be protected by chords and each node can have its own specific chord. The right module offers the same functionality, but has many other features. If you want a thin and simple module, use it. If you would like to follow different sentences of terms, please use the legal module. It is recommended to have only 1 contract field per entity/alliance. It is possible to set up multiple match fields, but behavior can be unpredictable.